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Save time with meeting templates

Create a new meeting with attendees, agenda, presenters, categories, and meeting minutes.

Save the meeting as a template and reuse it! It’s that simple!


Create a meeting with your templates

When you plan a meeting, you choose the desired meeting template, enter the meeting date, and voila, you have a new meeting with a ready-made agenda!


Templates adapt to your every meeting

Once the meeting has been created, participants can easily add new items for discussion, notes, documents, or links to make it productive!


Flexible templates are easily updated

Change is a constant in life, so templates can be updated with a couple of clicks. Open the meeting template, change what you need, save, and use!

How to get started with meeting templates in Agenda

Try Agenda for free for 30 days

Schedule effective, distraction-free meetings and capture action items for easy follow-up, coordination, and sharing.

Get a live demo

Talk to a human! This free 30-minute demo shows you how Agenda can transform your meeting experience!

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